
europe commits to greater internet access while u.s. backtracks

France proposes affordable computer access - Yahoo! News
Low-income French families will be equipped with a computer and an Internet connection for 1 euro ($1.27) a day under a new government proposal. Families who sign up will receive a computer, a high-speed connection, software and a class on how to use the equipment...

i saw a simliar story last month that the e.u. is moving to make internet access mandatory. the more access to information, the better the opportunity to learn and grow. unfortunately, it also improves that chance that online users will become victims of scams and exposed to tasteless content. that's progress, eh [sigh]?

all this news is in stark contrast to the current u.s. activity to allow providers to increase fees and restrict internet access through the orwellian-named net neutrality debate.

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