
senater stevens' 'series of tubes' music video

Senator’s Slip of the Tongue Keeps on Truckin’ Over the Web - New York Times
The word is spreading: The Internet is not a big truck. It’s “a series of tubes.”  ... [W]hile it is true that the Internet is not a big truck, the senator might feel as if he has been run over by one.

last week i posted a entry on this very subject(senator stevens: 'the internet is a series of tubes')

seems lots of folks caught this gaffe by the senior senator from alaska. a search of youtube.com with the words senator stevens returns several entries including a 10 minute music video that's pretty funny.

nice to know foolish behavior on the u.s. senate floor does not go un-noticed. now if this foolishness could result in eventual removal from office (watchblog sez 98% of incumbents get re-elected) then we'd be making progress.

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google uses writley to promote open document format

Google joins OpenDocument group
"When a company like Google puts its name behind any effort to promote OpenDocument Format it's a sign that it is not just a technology on the move, but one that is arriving very rapidly," said Will Rodger, director of public policy at the Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA).

now that google is in the 'word processing' space with the acquisition of writley.com, they have joined the odf alliance (opendocument format). started as 36 members, odf now has 240 members all working to promote an industory open standard for document storage and transfer.

if i worked on microsoft's office product, i'd be annoyed. google now has opened another front on it's efforts to make web applications ubiquitous.

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